The latest Wask product are tiny little pencils! But they’re actually painted matches. I make these myself, so as usual they’re made in smaller batches and not often. It was just one of those ideas I had for years because I was angry that it isn’t an actual product because they’re so cute – so yeah, here’s my version!
Check them out here.
These look like they would be very time consuming to hand make!
Have you ever considered going in the other direction, and starting with real functioning miniature pencils, like those made for dolls or kids, for example: https://www.lovvbugg.com/Colored-Pencils-Tube-1073833-p/1073833.htm
Then dipping the heads into a mixture of potassium chlorate, red phosphorus, and glue, to make them matches? https://periodictable.com/Stories/015.8/index.html
Hi, thanks for your comment!
I think trying to make your own match heads would be a lot more work – not to mention probably many many stages of trial and error to get the colour right and to get it to “stick” and light properly, etc. But I also don’t think the real pencils would light either, so the fire might only last a few seconds. And of course, according to that post itself, trying to make it yourself is extremely dangerous.
I would love for these matches to be actual functional pencils, but I don’t think it’s possible to have that + have it behave as a real match at the same time. But maybe someday somebody will find a way to make it work!