Hello! I’m here with a little dice manufacturing update. If you’ve been following along for the last few years then you’ll know that I’ve been struggling with finding a manufacturer that can make the Think Twice Dice with fewer imperfections.
Currently I’m selling batch 4 at a discounted rate because I’m just not that happy with the imperfections overall. I think the majority of people won’t care or even notice, since a lot of it is something you might only see in certain lighting or certain angles, but it’s disappointing to me knowing that the manufacturer is technically capable of improving the product, but they don’t. Every batch has been a game of “fix one problem, introduce two more”.
The Manufacturer D samples were from a new manufacturer that had some really great stuff, but in the end disappointed me with how the samples turned out, and they were also much smaller than I anticipated. The lack of communicating all of the details was a red flag to me so I stepped away from this manu.
So I found Manufacturer E last year and they have some awesome stuff and even sent me a lot of beautiful samples of previous dice they created. The samples they created for me were mostly for the pip alignment (the pips are currently flat in these) but the colour and size are already pretty good. Of course, it might be another case of “pretty samples, but bad mass made product”, but that’s impossible to know. I’m tempted to switch to this manufacturer in hopes of getting a better quality product and being able to just stick to this manufacturer long-term, however it would mean that I’d have to pay loads of money to make a brand new dice mold, and then do a really huge mass run (larger than ones I’ve done before). So it’s a lot of money upfront.
Anyway, I’m still in a bit of limbo with this one, but I’m also really tired of having to do very thorough quality checks on my latest batches. ☹️ Will update again in the future!